Thursday 8 September 2011

The List!

Right.  I've chosen 13 things because that's how many buns are in a bakers dozen and lets face it one of them is bound to go wrong.  It will probally change(I've already had to add in sub bits) over the course of time maybe even get longer, but for now this is it...
  1. loose two stone before graduation
    •  join the gym
  2.  decide on a career path
    • speak to a careers advisor
    • find out what masters/teaching courses are available
  3. never be in the lastminutesaloon again
    • start every assignment the day it is set by spending at least an hour in the library every day of term
    • get some exta dyslexic help
  4. open a savings account
    • save £1500
  5. organise my admin
    • do a tax rebate!
  6. keep in touch!
    • ring my bestest at least once a week
    • visit friends in london
  7. dont spend more than an hour each day on facebook 
  8. read one book a month
  9. go on a girls holiday
  10. see the lion king in the west end
  11. find a date for my best friends wedding
  12. learn to roller skate
  13. travel italy
Ok so it's not as exciting as Rachel Summers' but I'm already adjusted to being a single susan so it doesnt need to be a radical overhaul of my life.  Or maybe thats the problem, maybe it does!  Well, only time will tell.

OK Go.

Well after what can only be described as an emotionally unstable summer (I cried at every single film I watched, even Karate Kid) and mostly after watching a lot of 'Plain Jane' and 'I used to be fat' on MTV and reading 'A Single Girls To Do List', I have decided I need a list.  A set of goals to get me through my final year of University and something to look forward to at the end of what I can only imagine to be a long hard slog.

I usually end up loosing my lists before I get to the end of them due to scrawling things down on scraps of paper so a blog seems like the answer (even though I've had two previous failed attempts, but third time lucky, right?).  Fingers crossed it will help me settle into a routine like 'Gym, Tan, Laundry' but more gym, STUDY, laundry!  So in the words of OK Go ~here it goes, here it goes, here it goes again!